Our Process

What We Do

Sherman Wealth Solutions LLC is a boutique financial planning firm that integrates the different facets of your finances together all in one plan. We look at your current financial standing to tell us where you are and then provide you with recommendations and options for you to choose from.

Financial Planning Process

Intial Meeting

Meet with the Sherman Wealth Solutions LLC team and determine what your financial planning needs are.


After our meeting, we will send you an engagement letter, risk tolerance questionnaire, and the firms Form ADV.

Document Request

We will then do a review of your finances. During this phase, we will request several documents including investment statements, living expenses, liability balances, estate documents, and insurance policies.

Annual Meeting

After reviewing your financial information, we will have your annual meeting. During this time, we will run scenarios and provide you with recommendations and options.

Post Meeting

We will work with you to follow through on the recommendations you have accepted during our meeting.

Financial Plan & Meeting Summary

We will provide you with a copy of your Financial Plan and Meeting Summary.

Monitor the plan

We will continue to monitor the plan through the year.

Tax preparation process


Initial consultation


Your tax filings are prepared


Your tax filings are electronically filed


Engagement letter and document request


You will get a copy of your tax filings to review and approve


We will provide you a confirmation of acceptance of your tax filings 

Tax preparation process


Intial Consultation


Engagement Letter & Document Request


Your Filings are prepared


You will get a copy of your fillings to review and approve


Your Fillings are electronically field