My Conviction: Why You Should have a Municipal Bond Allocation as a High-Income Earner Right Now
Municipal bonds have been an allocation for high income earners for quite a long time. In recent years, many municipalities have been able to refinance
Why Contributing to your Health Savings Account is Good for Your Financial Health
One financial planning vehicle that does not get enough attention in my opinion is the Health Savings Account (HSA). Individuals who are enrolled in a
A Winning Strategy: Roth Conversions after Retirement
Clients may think once they hit retirement, let’s call it age 65, that their planning becomes less complex. Their accounts may have been consolidated, they
Unwinding Confusing Retirement Plan Terminology
When employees start a new job, their company may offer certain types of employee benefits. These benefits can range from medical insurance, flexible spending accounts,
What Not to Do with Your Backdoor Roth IRA Conversion
Backdoor Roth IRA conversions have been a technique I have employed with clients since I became an advisor. However, many people hear this phrase “Backdoor
The Case for the CPA Financial Planner?
How many of us have heard the saying “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket”? I would imagine pretty much everyone. This saying